Singing Guide: Bobby Scott

Singing Guide: Bobby Scott

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Bobby Scott: A Jazz Legend

Bobby Scott was a versatile jazz pianist, arranger, singer-songwriter, and session musician. His incredible vocal range and unique phrasing stole the hearts of jazz enthusiasts worldwide. In this article, we will delve into the style of this legendary soul-jazzy crooner.

Vocal techniques

Bobby Scott's singing style is characterized by his warm timbre, effortless vibrato, and perfect pitch control. He had a remarkable ability to tap into the emotional depth of his songs and deliver them with soulful gentleness.

Mixed voice

Scott's mixed voice was the core of his singing. He effortlessly balanced the head and chest registers to create a smooth and seamless vocal performance. Beginners can use programs such as Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game to perfect their mixed voice.


Bobby Scott's signature vibrato is the perfect blend of speed and amplitude. His uncanny ability to control the waver of his voice made his singing style soulful and genuine. Learn how to sing with vibrato like Bobby Scott with Singing Carrots.

Performance techniques


Bobby Scott's music was a journey of emotions, from somber ballads to upbeat jazz tones. He was adept at connecting with his listeners, and it reflected in his performances. You can practice singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking with Singing Carrots to enhance your performances.


Scott's breathing technique was the fundamental base of his vocal performance. He had a knack for taking deep breaths that allowed him to hold notes without cutting short. New singers can start with Farinelli Breathing exercise by Singing Carrots to enhance their breathing capabilities.

Recommended songs

A Taste of Honey

"A Taste of Honey" is a prime example of Bobby Scott's soulful style. His incredible vocal range and unique phrasing made the song a timeless classic. For new singers, How to learn a song effectively article by Singing Carrots can be a guide to sing along.

You Go to My Head

"You Go to My Head" showcases Bobby Scott's exceptional phrasing and mixed voice. He carefully balances the head and chest registers in this song to create a sublime vocal performance. With Singing Carrots, beginners can analyze voice types and identify their vocal range to sing along.


Bobby Scott's incredible vocal range and unique phrasing made him a jazz legend. Through Singing Carrots, new singers can tap into his signature mixed voice and soulful style. By practicing proper breathing, control, emotion, and utilizing relevant Singing Carrots resources like Vocal Pitch Monitor and Vocal range test and Pitch accuracy test, a beginner can learn to sing like Bobby Scott and add royalty to their singing style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.